We never know when a new expense will come up. Many times we even face difficulties in making end meet. Be it an outstanding credit card bill, or maybe the treatment for a physical ailment, unexpected expenses are part of our lives. Payday loans or otherwise known as fast cash advance can be extremely helpful in dealing with any such situation.
Payday loan is a short-term loan that is disbursed by financial institutions for a short period of time, which is usually 30 days or till your next payday. It's a loan that can help you to overcome your emergency financial needs before your actual payday arrives.
Traditional bank loans require several documents and take you through the run around, but not this loan. Payday loans require you to submit your application along with very few or no documents, and you would get the required amount of money credited to your account within 24 hours. To qualify for these loans, applicant must have valid U.S. citizenship with a valid residential address, should be 18
years old or older, should provide social security number, and must be employed for at least 3 months and be working at the time of filing the application.
Finance charge on fast cash advance is typically in the range of 15 to 30 percent of the total loan amount. On the maturity date, the borrower is expected to return to the store to repay the loan in person. In case of non-payment, the lender may withdrawal the money from the borrower's checking account electronically.
There are two ways to apply for a payday loan; by going to a payday loan firm and completing the formalities in person, and online. Today, more and more people are opting to apply for fast payday advance online. The borrower is required to fill out an online application form that requests personal information, bank account numbers, Social Security number and employer information. Once the form is processed, the money is transferred directly to the borrower’s bank account.
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